
Email Marketing

Email Marketing Email was something Elevated Conversions got “grandfathered” into when a client wasn’t getting the ROI they wanted. They were using one of the email marketing giants – we won’t name any names here, but they were clearly a number and the campaigns had no thought what-so-ever with them.
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Email Marketing

Email was something Elevated Conversions got “grandfathered” into when a client wasn’t getting the ROI they wanted.

They were using one of the email marketing giants – we won’t name any names here, but they were clearly a number and the campaigns had no thought what-so-ever with them.

As soon as we pulled the API in order to connect a reporting dashboard, which showed transparent metrics – the ROI, or lack-thereof, showed.

Our Role

Our role was then to take over this client’s Email Marketing, as we had the bandwidth and resources (and experience) to take this on.

The most time consuming part was researching the right company/software to use in the industry. We knew we wanted something that gave us the flexibility to jump in a code the emails, if we wanted, too. 

We wanted to go with an industry specific provider, because we knew of the automation available that would integrate with some critical industry sources…we wanted to leverage the correct data points so we could focus on optimizing, testing, and the results.

Landing Page Optimization

Fast (loaded under 1 second), mobile first, offer above any fold, easy to opt-in.

Lead Magnet Checklist

Specific (not a newsletter), offered value to customer, didn’t solve the entire problem, rapid consumption, immediate gratification.

Straight From The Campaigns

We mainly focused on running two types of campaigns with this company.

  1. Campaigns (90% of our time and focus of the production here) that are automated
    • Customers are tagged when they enter, how they enter, and are delivered emails based off of time, certain metrics, and actions taken. (its very complex – we could spend 2 hours talking about these…)
  2. Broadcasts 
    • Used primarily in Flash Sales, or similar offers that are not evergreen/re-occurring. Also with Content Marketing assets that we want to custom deliver.

Smart Email Marketing = Smart Digital Marketing

We do our homework – and we know that the average customer, given this industry, needs to see our piece of content over 8 platforms before we get acquire them as a lead.

(These are just a couple of the platforms we placed it)


Disengagement Rate (Complaints + Unsubscribes/Unique Opens)

[Average is 0.15%]


Deliverability Rate (Delivered Emails/Sent Emails)

[You definitely want to rank above the 90% rage here]


Open Rate (Unique Opens/Received Emails)

[Average is 30-35%]


Click Through Rate (Unique clicks/Unique Opens)

[This can vary greatly based on industry, but 3% is good benchmark]

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